
Capacity building for CSOs and Youth networks of Sahel

Capacity building for CSOs and Youth networks of Sahel

The Program to Strengthen the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations and Youth Networks in the Sahel to Protect Children on the Move and End Child Marriage (PROS/ME).

This program is led by Save the Children International and funded by the DANIDA donor agency. It is implemented in 6 Sahelian countries: Burkina, Mali, Senegal, Niger, Chad and Mauritania. With different partners in the implementation. the AMWCY which leads the activities of this program on the theme Mobility of children in 12saines of localities in Mali and Burkina Faso since its start in 2017 until 2021.

The action of the AMWCY consists of strengthening communication skills to influence decision-making institutions at the regional level, strengthening children’s groups with protection activities on the ground. Conducting research on the theme, accompanying the identification of innovative solutions and their implementation with the technical support of Enda jeunes action which holds the methodological and pedagogical secrets of accompanying groups of children.